I know this is a little dated but I saw this online and thought it might provide some thought provoking discussion! I can not believe that anyone would consider this fat! When I look at this picture I think wow that is a gorgeous woman at the beach for the day- It is so sad that we as a nation are so obsessed with the "weight" That we Throw pictures around and call people "fat"! I mean come on!
Tyra speaking out is so important she is a wonderful role model for young women everywhere- after her bathing suit pictures she made a point to do shows and to speak out that Size acceptance is important- My biggest passion is Promoting Positive Self Esteem in our Youth. So Many Children have poor self image and poor self worth, and most of this comes directly from the media. I think it is so important for more celebrities to speakout about Self Esteem/Self Image and Size Issues.
So while I applaude Tyra for speaking out about her own experiences I do feel in someways it is a little odd. I mean after she is the creator and producer of Modern America's Next Top Model a show that idolizes the "thin" High Fashion Chic look. After all out of all cycles only one Winner was a plus model Whitney Thompson and she was a whopping size 10!! Many girls in America (my self included) would kill to be a size 18/20 much less a size 10! Many debate if a size 10 is really plus size? Feel free to weigh in (no pun intended) on this subject?? I want to hear what defines Plus Size?? Do you think Whitney is Plus Size?? Below is her picture-
I've just recently happened upon your blog and I find it very uplifting. I've struggled with my weight rollercoaster and have been called fat plenty of times. I'm a size 10 and I feel comfortable and curvy. Thanks for bringing this issue up and keep on truckin.
Mollie thank you for reading the blog!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the compliments!!!!
Great insights. Size isn't the standard for beaut neither for fashion. Thanks for this wonderful article.
ReplyDeleteplus size clothing