I read somewhere a while ago that something like fifty eight percent of the American population is over-weight or what politically correct people like to call ‘plus-size’. If this is true then why do we allow the minority forty two percent of the people to control the media, and our minds with ‘what’ the common conception of beautiful is? I think that beauty is a concept that supersedes just a physical aspect. The media starts to brainwash us as Americans at an early age. Let’s take for instance a gal who is blond, five foot nine weighs 120 lbs a perfect size 4, and looks like Barbie, compare her to some one like me. I am a brunette, five foot three and a half, (and just for the record the half does count) and weigh in around 325 lbs. Now if you were to ask the media who was beautiful, the choice would be obvious. Or would it? In my opinion, I think that size has absolutely nothing to do with being beautiful. Too often we base beauty upon outward appearances; However, True beauty begins on the inside. It doesn’t matter if you are a size 4 or a size 34, the most important thing is that you become happy with whom you are inside and know that you are beautiful. I know that I am beautiful both inside and out and I love helping other people discover the beauty that lies with in them. Each and Every individual is special and beautiful in his or her own way and this is what my Blog Living Plus Size Beautiful Is about in a nutshell!!
In this blog I plan to discuss Plus Size Fashion, Events, Celebrities, Politics, and anything else related to Living Life Plus Size Beautiful!!
I am excited about the opportunity to write this blog- I honestly can not take the credit for coming up with the idea for the blog. I have had the opportunity to model for several plus size companies over the years. The most recent company to hire me as A Feature Plus Size Model is an up and coming Customised Clothing Company called Thimbler.com. (Thimbler makes the most amazing Customized Plus Size jeans.. but that is another blog entry)
Thimbler.com is a creative fashion community made up of shoppers, designers, and producers. Our online marketplace brings everyone together. Whether you visit Thimbler to buy, sell, or create, you customize your Thimbler experience to fit you – you can even customize your clothes for any size, shape, or style.
While speaking with the owner of the Company Charles regarding his vision of the company he said he loved my outlook on life and asked me if I would consider writing a blog for the Plus Size Community to be linked to Thimbler- So Thanks to Charles the Concept of Living Plus Size Beautiful Was born!!!!!
May you always remember the truth found in my favorite quote
"It is your beauty that captures the attention, but it is your personality that makes the impression."
Unitl Next Time-
Allow me to be the first Commenter at this timely and fashionable NewsBlog! Chassie is at the cutting edge, not only cutting on the bias but blowing away the bias, by her cheerful and stylish example!!